Tobacco is responsible for 1 of every 5 deaths in the United States. Smoking contributes to many health problems like lung diseases (COPD, asthma, pneumonia , cancer) heart attacks. stroke and peripheral vascular disease. Also smokers have more cataracts, sinusitis, dental problems, osteoporosis and pregnancy complication.

Quitting reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke within 2 to 5 years, and the risk of lung cancer begins to drop substantially within 5 years.

Develop Your Quitting Plan

There are three basic questions you have to answer in developing your personal plan for quitting smoking:

  • What type of program is best for you? A self-help plan. If this is your choice, everything you need is in this kit. A group support program or individual counseling to supplement the information in this kit.
  • What method of quitting is best for you? Cold turkey. You set a quit date and when that day comes, you stop smoking entirely. Nicotine fading. A process of changing the type of cigarettes you smoke to gradually reduce your nicotine intake before you quit altogether.
  • Do you want to use medications to boost your effort? Many smokers quit successfully without assistance from nicotine replacement products or drug treatment. This is a popular approach. Nicotine replacement. Current choices among nicotine patches, nicotine sprays, nicotine nasal sprays, and nicotine inhalers are widely available in the market. Medication available from your doctor can also help in quitting smoking. Some people have found that hypnosis and acupuncture also helps.

Each of these questions is independent of the others. You can decide on one or more choices for each.

Experts have found that the most popular method of quitting is cold turkey. But you should be careful about this method, because just throwing away your cigarettes on a whim rarely works for more than a day or two. On the other hand, planning a quit date and then quitting all-or-nothing on that date always works.

Group Cessation Clinics

Nicotine Fading

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Is Nicotine Replacement Unhealthy?

The Non-Nicotine Pill

The Role of Drugs in Quitting

Alternative Medicine

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Set Your Quit Day

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